Full-spectrum Workplace Spatial Analysis Service
9am Tesseract™ integrates cloud computing, big data and AIoT, providing space sensing and analysis system that covers full workplace scenarios.

Initiating a Data-Driven Workplace Strategy
In response to the needs of enterprise relocation and expansion, 9am Tesseract™ helps enterprises quickly understand the current space utilization and where core problems lie, and use data to drive more solid space decisions.
Data-driven spatial strategies can help enterprises
increasing productivity
Creating a work environment suitable for the modern worker increases efficiency, effectiveness, and sense of satisfaction in their work and.
Lowering property cost
By taking advantage of workplace analytics, companies are able to uncover any office blindspots and only pay for space being used.
Creating an agile office
Designing a flexible office that provides employees with a variety of space types based on their daily activities and needs.
Synergising whole space
True Occupancy data can be integrated with other workplace technologies, and will enable improved automation and control.
9am Solution Blueprint
Only Anonymous Information captured

9am’s counting sensor provide anonymous data regarding the people they track, your business safety and anonymity are guaranteed.
The traditional counting sensors work by identifying people walking through the areas covered by the camera to get an accurate foot traffic count. No matter how the images blurred as compared to a video camera, the sensors cannot 100% comply with privacy laws.
Data Security and privacy matter
Integrated Service, rapid deployment
High-accuracy IoT Sensors and targeted report
High-accuracy sensors for various applications help optimize their space according to which areas are most used and when.
Interruption -free to daily work
9am IoT Cloud uses independent Bluetooth mesh network with Microsoft Azure to set up a cloud platform that can ensure data security and stability for data collection and storage.
Your Digitalization. Our Mission.
Why 9am?
9am provides fast and response cloud services, using AI technology, through data cleaning, model construction, integrated analysis and other processes, to visualize the comprehensive usage of different regions to enterprises, and it can cooperate with the provision of original data download, API and other diversified service modes.
Digitalized Automatic Data Collection
Real-time collection 24x7
Targeted Scenario 17,280 data points/day
- All-day collection
- Massive precise data
- Anonymously
- Interruption-free to work
As one of Microsoft's strategic partners, 9am has been dedicated to seeking options to maximize value for workplaces all around the world

do you want to leverage your office?
Before deciding on how big your office will be, talk to a 9am consultant about your thoughts on how to upgrade your workplace, and we'll analyze your workplace and show you how to optimize the design.